GYSC Policy 007
Club Financial Assistance Program
Effective 6/18/14
It is the mission of the Gettysburg Youth Soccer Club to provide financial assistance to players in need. An application for financial assistance is a certification that the player will not be able to participate in the program without monetary assistance due to severe family financial situations. All applications will be reviewed in strict confidence by GYSC board members. Applicants will be notified in a timely manner of the review panel’s decision. Submit the completed application in a sealed envelope marked “Financial Assistance Application”, GYSC, PO Box 4563 Gettysburg PA 17325 or emailed to gettysburgyouthsoccerinfo@gmail.com.
The amount of the award depends on need including but not limited to the following: family income, number of family members and number of players requesting financial aid. Special circumstances, such as large medical expenses not covered by insurance, loss of income due to illness or unemployment, etc. are also taken into consideration. Be sure that you include an explanation of this type of hardship in your request if you believe that you have extraordinary circumstances that should be considered. It is extremely important that scholarship applications are handled timely. Turning in an application does not guarantee approval. Applications for financial assistance should be submitted one month after teams are selected. Attach a brief written explanation of why you are requesting a scholarship and why you feel you may qualify. Without this information, your application cannot be accepted
Financial Assistance Volunteer Requirements
Those selected for financial aid should expect to volunteer at least 16 hours per season. This can typically be completed during the GYSC sponsored tournaments. However, volunteer hours may also include mowing, trimming, field lining,, goal maintenance or other duties as assigned. It is the responsibility of the Member at Large to administer the financial assistance program with respect to volunteer hours and assignments.
Click on the PDF icon for the GYSC financial assistance application form. Completed applications should be emailed to gettysburgyouthsoccerinfo@gmail.com